Real-time Collaboration

When a marketing team consists of multiple content editors, it is vital to have an effective collaboration method to prevent conflicts while working on the same content.

React Bricks has a real-time presence indicator and a solid lock mechanism to avoid conflicts.

Real-time Presence

Every editor can see who is currently logged into the app.

Furthermore, for each page, editors can see both the users viewing a page and the one granted writing permission, marked by a pink border.

Page-level lock

React Bricks employs a highly efficient pessimistic lock system. This system places a lock on a page once a user starts editing, preventing other users from making changes until the lock is released.

The lock is released when the user saves the page or navigates away without saving, allowing other users to edit the page.

In case of urgent changes, there is a "force unlock" button. This forces the release of the lock and transfers control to the user who pressed the button.

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