Terms of Service

Last updated February 8th, 2024

1. Preamble

These General Terms and Conditions, together with the appendices and other documents incorporated herein by reference (collectively "Agreement") constitute the agreement between F2 .net engineering s.r.l., Via Tasso 50, Bergamo (BG), Italy, VAT-ID IT03099890166 ("Supplier", "we", "us") and you ("you", "your", "Customer") as a user of the React Bricks services ("React Bricks Services"), whether you sign up as a company or as an individual, and whether you use our services for free or have signed up for any paid Service Plans.

Please, read these terms carefully. By using or accessing the React Bricks Services, you agree to become bound by all the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to be bound to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or if you do not have the legal capacity to accept this agreement, you should not register for a React Bricks Account and you should not use React Bricks Services. Your continued use of the service implies acceptance of these terms.

If you are registering for a React Bricks Account or are using React Bricks Services on behalf of an entity or other organization, you are agreeing to these terms for that entity or organization, and are representing to Supplier that you have the authority to bind that entity or organization to these Agreement: in this case the terms "you", "your" and "Customer" will refer to that entity or organization. The exception to this is if that entity or organization has a separate contract with Supplier covering one or more Apps and use of the React Bricks Services, in which case that contract will govern the React Bricks Services with respect to those Apps only. In particular, for a React Bricks App, the contract of the User who is the “owner” of the App governs the React Bricks Services for that App, also with respect to the Users invited to collaborate on that App.

This Agreement is effective as of the date you accept the Agreement by clicking the “I accept” checkbox on the React Bricks Website or, in case of Enterprise Plans, by signing the Agreement. By accepting this Agreement and creating a React Bricks Account, you represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to be bound as a Customer to this Agreement; (ii) you are 18 years of age or older; (iii) you have carefully read and understood this Agreement.

2. Definitions

2.1 "Agreement" means these Terms of Service together with the appendices, addendums and other documents incorporated herein by reference.

2.2 "Customer" means you as a user of React Bricks Services and if applicable, the entity or entities you have signed up on behalf of.

2.3 "Supplier" means F2 .net engineering s.r.l., as identified above, who offers the React Bricks Services defined below.

2.4 "React Bricks Services" means the Software as a Service (SAAS)-based content management and publication services, programs, functions, frameworks, software libraries and platform provided by Supplier to you (including the React Bricks Library, the React Bricks APIs, the React Bricks Command Line Interface, the React Bricks Dashboard, the Documentation and technical support made available by Supplier to you) and any content that belongs to Supplier and/or its partners or suppliers that is not Customer Data, as well as any subsequent updates or upgrades provided by Supplier.

2.5 "React Bricks Website" means the website at the URL "https://www.reactbricks.com".

2.6 "React Bricks Library" means the software library available on the npm registry as "react-bricks", used by the Customer to create a Customer Application. It communicates with the React Bricks APIs.

2.7 "React Bricks APIs" means the HTTP APIs consumed by the React Bricks Library to store and retrieve the Apps' content.

2.8 "React Bricks Dashboard" means the web application where Customers, upon authentication, may manage their Account, Apps, Users and Subscriptions, currently available at dashboard.reactbricks.com.

2.9 “Account” means one registered user with a unique e-mail address. In your Account you can create multiple Apps for your projects.

2.10 "React Bricks App" or “App” means a content repository the Customer creates using the React Bricks Services via the React Bricks Dashboard or the CLI (Command Line Interface). An App has an Owner (the Customer who creates it), a set of pages with content, an assigned Service Plan and Users who may access the content (each with the assigned permissions). For every App, the Customer who creates it is the Owner, which has the broadest permissions on the App. The Owner can also invite other people (Users) to collaborate to a certain App. Users invited/authorized by an Owner on an App may have limited permissions on the App, according to permissions granted by the Owner. Owners are the only ones who can invite other users to collaborate to an App, upgrade an App to a paid Service Plan and delete an App.

2.11 “Service Plan” means a free or paid subscription bound to one or more Apps. Each App, as soon as it is created, has a limited free Service Plan and can be upgraded to a paid Service Plan in order to increase usage limits or have more features available.

2.12 "Users" means private individuals, Customer's employees or representatives, partners, customers, consultants, contractors or other associates who are invited and authorized by the Customer to access and use the React Bricks Services to manage the content of one or more Apps. Customer has full liability for and shall be identified with any of its designated Users invited to collaborate on Customer's Apps.

2.13 "Documentation" means the digital and printed instructions, user manuals, technical documentation, tutorials, help files, support material or specifications provided by Supplier that describe the features, functionality or operation of the React Bricks Services.

2.14 “Order form” means the document containing the commercial details of the agreement between the parties: it corresponds to the Pricing page of the React Bricks Website at https://www.reactbricks.com/pricing for customers who are subscribing to React Bricks Services via the self-service checkout available on the [dashboard.reactbricks.com](React Bricks Dashboard) (Self-service Subscription) or an addendum to this Agreement in case of an Enterprise Service Plan.

2.15 "Customer Application" means a software application (for example a website) created by the Customer using the React Bricks Library, which accesses the React Bricks APIs to show and manage the content of a React Bricks App.

2.16 "Customer Data" means data, content and other material supplied or made available or transmitted to Supplier by you as a Customer or your designated Users through the use of the React Bricks Services, included but not limited to any content saved on the React Bricks Apps which may become publicly accessible through the Customer Applications.

2.17 “Intellectual Property Rights” means any patents, copyrights, moral rights, trademarks or any other form of intellectual property rights.

2.18 “Subscription” means any use of the React Bricks Services in connection to a Service Plan via a recurring payment period with automatic renewal.

2.19 “Self-service Subscription” means a subscription created directly by the Customer via the React Bricks Dashboard.

2.20 “Enterprise Subscription” means a subscription created by Supplier after a signed agreement between the Customer and Supplier, with an associated Enterprise Service Plan which commercial details are defined in the corresponding Order Form.

3. Registration, License Grant, Restrictions and General obligations

3.1 Account registration, eligibility and liability

The Customer and each User must create an account by registering on the ReactBricks.com website, either by providing an e-mail address and password or via a third-party identity service. The Customer and each User must fill in the Sign up form with the mandatory data and accept the present Agreement (available through the specific link placed in the footer of the website). After the Customer provided the data and clicked “Sign up” we will confirm the receipt of the Customer’s registration by an automatically generated e-mail. In a separate e-mail or by granting the Customer access to the React Bricks Services we accept the registration.

React Bricks Services are not intended for use by anyone under the age of 18. By using the React Bricks Services, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, you may not use React Bricks Services. Supplier reserves the right to refuse, at its sole discretion, the registration of a React Bricks Account.

The creation of an account is free and it allows the Customer to create Apps and activate free or paid Service Plans. It is necessary to provide all the needed data requested in the Signup form. You must provide accurate, truthful and complete information and keep your account information updated.

The Customer, and each User, is responsible to maintain the confidentiality of the login information and not share it with others, including other Users. Every Account is meant for individual use and cannot be shared among different people. The Customer shall use any commercially reasonable effort to prevent unauthorized access to the React Bricks Services and shall promptly notify Supplier if he becomes aware of access to the Customer account or a User account which is unauthorized or otherwise in violation of this Agreement.

The Customer may designate other Users subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement with permissions over one or more Customer’s Apps, by inviting them to collaborate on those Apps. The Customer has full liability for and shall be identified with any of its designated Users. If the Customer becomes aware that any of its own designated Users use the React Bricks Services in violation of this Agreement, the Customer shall immediately suspend access to the React Bricks Services for that User and report the fact to Supplier.

The Customer shall also immediately report to Supplier any security flaws the Customer discovers while using the React Bricks Services. Supplier reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine what constitutes a security flaw. Failure to report such flaws or unauthorized accesses, particularly prior to public disclosure, shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement.

3.2 License Grant

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Supplier hereby grants to the Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable license to access and use the React Bricks Services solely for their intended purpose and to perform those functions defined in the Documentation, and subject to all the limitations and restrictions contained herein and in the Order Form.

Open source software licenses for components of the React Bricks Services released under an open source license (for example the starter projects or pre-made content blocks) constitute separate written agreements. To the limited extent that the open source software licenses expressly supersede these Terms, the open source licenses govern your agreement with Supplier for the use of the components of the React Bricks Services released under an open source license.

3.2 Restrictions

The React Bricks Services are formed by two key components: (i) the React Bricks Library, which can be installed from the NPM registry (npmjs.com) and which enables the creation of Customer Applications by interfacing with the React Bricks APIs; (ii) The React Bricks APIs service, where the content of the Customer Applications is stored. The React Bricks Library and the React Bricks APIs are not released under an open source license.

In compliance with any applicable laws and to these terms, you and your Users may not do (or allow or encourage others to do) the following while accessing or using React Bricks Services:

  1. Allow sharing of an Account by more than one individual/entity or disclose access credentials to any third party;
  2. Use bots or automated systems to create Accounts;
  3. Create multiple Accounts for the same Customer;
  4. Create more than two (2) Apps with a free Service Plan;
  5. Use an App with a free Service Plan in connection with a third-party service. Integration with third-party services requires a custom Enterprise Plan agreement between the third-party and Supplier;
  6. Transfer, distribute, resell, lease, license or assign React Bricks Services or otherwise offer the React Bricks Services or any part of the React Bricks Services on a standalone basis unless otherwise expressly agreed with Supplier. In particular the Customer is prohibited to act as a reseller for React Bricks Services: each React Bricks App is used for a project of the Customer and/or subsidiary or affiliated companies;
  7. Use the React Bricks Services in violation of applicable laws, regulations or third-party rights;
  8. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, create derivative works of or otherwise create, attempt to create or derive, or permit or assist any third party to create or derive, the source code underlying the React Bricks Services;
  9. Use the React Bricks Library without connecting to the React Bricks APIs or modify it to send data to other APIs or servers;
  10. Call the React Bricks APIs directly without using the React Bricks Library;
  11. Use the React Bricks Services in ways that are not specified in the React Bricks Documentation;
  12. Attempt to bypass or break any security mechanism or authentication measure in any of the React Bricks Services or use the React Bricks Services in any manner that poses a security or service risk to Supplier or to any user of the React Bricks Services;
  13. Use the React Bricks Services in a way that adversely affects the availability, reliability or stability of the React Bricks Services (including, but not limited to, denial of service attacks);
  14. Interfere with or disrupt (or attempt to do so) React Bricks Services, such as by sending a virus, overloading, flooding, spamming or mail-bombing the React Bricks Services, or by scripted use of React Bricks Services in such a manner as to interfere with or create an undue burden on the React Bricks Services or by transmitting any material that contains trojan horses, worms or any other malicious, harmful or deleterious programs or code;
  15. Use the React Bricks Services, or permit it to be used, for purposes of competitive evaluation, research or benchmarking or other comparative analysis without Supplier’s prior written consent;
  16. Use the information gathered from the React Bricks Services for the purpose of (i) building a competitive product or service, (ii) building a product using similar ideas, features, functions, user interface of graphics of React Bricks Services, (iii) copying any ideas, features, functions, user interface or graphics of the React Bricks Services;
  17. Use the React Bricks Services to store, process, publish, transmit or otherwise make available content or information:
    1. that the Customer does not have a right to make available under law or any contractual or fiduciary duty;
    2. that constitutes personal data that the Customer has not the right to process;
    3. that is defamatory, libelous, pornographic, indecent or that advocates hatred, hostility or violence against an entire class of people on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious beliefs or affiliation, age or disability;

3.3 Customer software and services

The Customer is responsible for obtaining and maintaining any hardware, software and ancillary services needed to connect to, access or otherwise use the React Bricks Services. The Customer is responsible for backing up any data and information (included but not limited to Customer Data) used in conjunction with the React Bricks Services, at intervals that are reasonable considering the nature and criticality of the information. The Customer is responsible for using always the current version of the React Bricks Library and APIs. The Customer will be solely responsible for the failure to maintain such software and services or failure to use the current version of the React Bricks Library and APIs. With the permission of the Customer or one of the designated Users, which may be by email or other reasonable means, Supplier may log into the Customer Account or a User account or check Customer’s React Bricks Apps data from the database in order to debug the React Bricks Services.

3.4 Access to support

If React Bricks Services are provided free of charge, they are provided “as is” and “as available” without any right on your side to have personalized support or warranties of any kind. If React Bricks Services are provided for a fee, Supplier may commit to provide support, depending on the terms and condition of the specific Service Plan the Customer signs up for, only for the App(s) that are included in that Service Plan.

3.5 Changes to React Bricks Services

The Customer acknowledges that Supplier may change, deprecate or republish the React Bricks Library, the React Bricks APIs or any other component of the React Brick Services from time to time, and that it is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the Customer Application uses and is compatible with the current version of the React Bricks Library and the calls or requests the Customer makes to the React Bricks Services are compatible with then-current React Bricks APIs. Although Supplier endeavors to avoid changes to the React Bricks Library, React Bricks APIs or React Bricks Services that are not backwards compatible, if any such changes become necessary, Supplier will notify you at least ten (10) days prior to Supplier’s implementation of any such incompatible changes to the React Bricks Services.

4. Subscription, Fees and Payment

4.1 Subscription

The Customer can activate a paid Subscription for one (or more) App(s). The Customer agrees to pay subscription fees, additional usage fees and any other fee set forth in the Service Plan, as indicated in the Order Form. The subscription period shall be indicated in the Order Form (usually 1 month for Self-Service Subscriptions and 1 year for Enterprise Subscriptions). Prices mutually agreed and set in the Order Form are binding for the agreed contract period.

4.2 Automatic renewal

If not otherwise agreed, any contract or subscription shall automatically renew for successive terms equal to the term in the order form unless Customer (i) cancels the subscription’s renewal via the Dashboard at least twenty (20) days prior to the expiration of the then-current billing cycle, in case of Self-service Subscription, or (ii) notifies Supplier in writing of Customer’s intent not to renew at least twenty (20) days prior to the expiration of the then-current billing cycle, in case of an Enterprise Subscription. If the Customer fail to do so, subscription or contract period will automatically renew under the exact same conditions (notwithstanding applicable clause 4.4). Such renewal shall constitute a consecutive contract period.

4.3 Customer’s responsibility

Customer shall provide Supplier with accurate and complete billing information including Company name, full name of the contact person, address, state, zip code, country, telephone number, email address, VAT number. Customer shall only use Subscriptions as intended and is liable for compensation if manipulating subscriptions beyond Fair Use.

4.4 Fees

All prices indicated are understood exclusive of any and all applicable direct or indirect taxes and government charges which will be payable by the customer. Supplier may, in its sole discretion and at any time, modify the subscription fees. Any changes will become effective at the end of the then-current contract period; modified prices will be charged beginning with the consecutive contract period. Paid subscription fees are non-refundable.

4.5 Payment

Payment is made according to the Order Form. Customer is billed in advance on recurring and periodic basis (”billing cycle”). The billing cycle depends on the type of the Service Plan, as indicated in the Order Form. If not otherwise agreed, the billing cycle is 1 (one) month for Self-service Subscriptions and 1 (one) year for Enterprise Subscriptions. Transfers are deemed to be paid only upon receipt of the money in Supplier's bank account. Payments for Self-service Subscriptions are collected by a third party (Paddle.com Inc. if Customer is based in the United States, Paddle.com Market Limited otherwise).

4.6 Overdue payments

Overdue amounts shall accrue interest at the legal late payment interest rate based on the D.Lgs 231/2002. The Customer undertakes to reimburse any costs of dunning and collection agencies incurred in the case of Customer default on payment insofar as they are necessary for the appropriate legal actions. Supplier reserves the right (in addition to any other rights or remedies Supplier may have) to discontinue the React Bricks Service and suspend all access to the React Bricks Service if any Fees set forth in the Service Plan are more than thirty (30) days overdue, until such amounts are paid in full. Supplier is not liable for any damage, losses, losses of data or profits or any other negative impacts that may occur due to a suspension according to this provision.

4.7 Upgrades and Downgrades

  1. Upgrade to a paid Service Plan for an App is always possible by selecting the option in the Dashboard and providing billing details.
  2. Downgrading from a paid Service Plan to a free Service Plan is possible, but changes will be applied only at the beginning of the next billing cycle.
  3. For any upgrade or downgrade in Service Plan level, the credit card that you provided will be automatically charged the new prorated amount on your next billing cycle.
  4. Downgrading your Service may cause the loss of Customer Data including the Apps' content, features, or capacity of your Subscription. Supplier does not accept any liability for such loss. The Customer is responsible for backing up any data before requesting the downgrade.
  5. For Enterprise Plans, upgrades and downgrades must be requested by the Customer in writing to Supplier.

4.8 Right of Withdrawal and Exclusion

  1. The Customer who is a Consumer according to the Italian Consumer Code and who has purchased a paid version of the React Bricks Services, has the right to withdraw from the this contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) calendar days (the "Withdrawal Period"), starting from the day of the conclusion of this contract.
  2. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer must inform Supplier, before the expiry of the "Withdrawal Period" of his decision to withdraw by writing to the customer care specifying in the object "Declaration of Withdrawal". It is advisable to indicate the order number, the service(s) for which you intend to exercise the right of withdrawal and your email address. The "Declaration of Withdrawal" must be sent to support@reactbricks.com.
  3. With the receipt of the communication with which the Customer communicates the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the parties to this agreement are released from their mutual obligations for the services for which the Customer requested the withdrawal.
  4. According to clause 59 of the Consumer Code, the Customer who is a Consumer must be informed, understands and accepts that the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in respect of the services that have already been performed. The right of Withdrawal is also excluded for the supply of services made to the consumer's specifications or clearly personalized.

5. Account information and Data

5.1 Account information and personal data

To create an Account or otherwise use the React Bricks Services, Supplier collects and processes personal data in connection with providing the React Bricks Services. The Customer shall ensure provision of its full legal name, a valid email address, and any other information requested in order to complete the signup process for the React Bricks Service. The login information shall be treated as confidential and may only be used by one person; a single login shared by multiple people is not permitted. For the processing of this data, Supplier is the Data Controller. You may read more about this in our Privacy Policy available here: https://www.reactbricks.com/legal/privacy, which is incorporated herein by reference. Through your use of React Bricks you consent to the collection and use of this information.

5.2 Customer Data

Supplier claims no ownership or control over any Customer Data or Customer Application. You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in the Content and/or Application, and you are responsible for protecting those rights, as appropriate. The Customer, not Supplier, has sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use of all Customer Data. The Customer grants to Supplier a worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such Content for the sole purpose of enabling Supplier to provide you with the React Bricks Services. This license is valid only as long as this Agreement is in force. Upon termination of the Agreement the license is revoked.

By inviting a User to your React Bricks App, you hereby grant to that user a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-transferable license, with no right to sub-license, to use, display, perform, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, list information regarding, edit, translate and analyze such App(s) and Content as permitted by the relevant React Bricks Services functionality or features for the sole purpose of collaborating on the Content of those App(s).

5.3 Personal data

In the event Customer Data includes EU personal data, Supplier processes such personal data as a Data Processor on behalf of the Customer as the Data Controller in accordance with the GDPR.

5.4 Customer content

By publishing or uploading data, images or other content, or otherwise making material available by means of the Services (collectively, “Content”), you agree that you are fully responsible for such Content, and for any damages, harm or liability resulting from or arising out of that Content. These responsibilities apply regardless of the format of the Content, whether it is text, graphics, data, audio files, video files, computer software, or any other type of content, and regardless of if you are the original creator or owner of the Content. You agree that you will be responsible for all Content on your account, even if placed there by third parties.

By publishing or uploading Content to the Site or the Services, you acknowledge and agree that: a) The Content does not and will not infringe, violate or misappropriate the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. b) Supplier's use of the Content for the purpose of providing the Services, including, but not limited to, processing, downloading, copying, or creating aggregates of the Content, does not violate any applicable rules, laws, regulations or Intellectual Property Rights of any third party. c) The Content does not contain or create any viruses, trojan horses, worms or any other malicious, harmful, or deleterious programs or code. d) The Content is not libelous or defamatory or otherwise malicious or harmful to any person or entity, or discriminatory based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age. e) The Content is not meant for use for any unethical or unlawful purposes including, but not limited to, phishing, scamming, spoofing, spamming, search site rank manipulation, threats and incitements to violence. f) The Content does not and will not violate the privacy rights of any third party. g) The Content is not being advertised via unwanted electronic messages (such as, by way of example, spam links on newsgroups, email lists, other blogs and web sites, and similar unsolicited promotional methods).

In respect to the points above, Supplier reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to remove any or all Content from the React Bricks Services. You agree to immediately take down any Content that is not acceptable based on this article, including pursuant to a take down request from Supplier. In the event that you elect not to comply with a request from Supplier to take down certain Content, Supplier reserves the right to directly take down such Content or to disable Apps.

6. Intellectual properties

6.1 Intellectual Property of React Bricks Services

The React Bricks Services as well as the Documentation and its original content, features and functionality are and will remain exclusive property of Supplier. This Agreement is not a sale and does not convey to the Customer any rights of ownership in or related to the React Bricks Services or the intellectual property rights owned by Supplier. Supplier owns all titles, interests and rights (including all related Intellectual Property Rights) in and to the React Bricks Services and to use any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by the Customer or any other party relating to the React Bricks Services. Except for the express license rights granted in Section 2 above, Supplier reserves all rights, title and interests in and to the React Bricks Services.

6.2 React Bricks name and logo

The React Bricks Services, trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos, whether or not registered, are legally protected and may not be used in connection with any product or service without the prior written consent of Supplier.

6.3 Customer's name and logo

You agree that Supplier is allowed to refer to your name and/or trademarks on React Bricks Website and in any of React Bricks Services’ marketing materials.

Supplier may issue a press release announcing the Customer’s selection of the React Bricks Services. The text of the press release will be subject to the Customer’s prior written approval, not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

7. Term and Termination

7.1 Term

This Agreement comes into effect on the date this Agreement is accepted by the Customer (by clicking the “I accept” checkbox on the React Bricks Website or, in case of Enterprise Plans, by signing the Agreement) and continues until the Customer's account is terminated as set forth below.

7.2 Termination for convenience

The Customer may terminate this terms at any time by canceling the Customer’s Account through the React Bricks Dashboard. Supplier may terminate the Customer's account at any time with 3 (three) months' notice. To the extent the Customer has pre-paid any fees for a specific time period, such termination for convenience will be effective on date set in termination notice.

7.3 Early termination for cause

Supplier may terminate or suspend the Customer’s account in the event the Customer commits any material breach of any provision of this Agreement and fails to remedy that breach within 10 (ten) days after written notice of that breach. Supplier may also terminate or suspend the Customer’s Account immediately for cause if: (i) there is reason to believe the Customer’s use of the React Bricks Services or the traffic created from the Customer’s use of the React Bricks Services is fraudulent or negatively impacting the operating capability of React Bricks Services; (ii) Supplier determines, in its sole discretion, that providing the React Bricks Services is prohibited by law, or has become impractical or unfeasible for any legal or regulatory reason; (iii) The Customer is knowingly uploading content in violation of this Agreement, or knowingly allows user generated content in violation of this Agreement. See “Customer Content” under Chapter 5.4. (iv) subject to applicable law, upon Customer’s liquidation, commencement of dissolution proceedings, disposal of the Customer’s assets or change of control, a failure to continue business, assignment for the benefit of creditors, or if the Customer becomes the subject of bankruptcy or similar proceedings. If Supplier suspends the Customer’s account, Supplier will notify the Customer accordingly. Note that no refund will be provided in the event of any suspension or termination of Customer’s account because of Customer’s breach of these terms and conditions.

7.4 Effects of Termination

Upon the termination of this Agreement for any reason: (i) any amounts owed to Supplier under this Agreement before such termination will become immediately due and payable; (ii) any consumption-based fees will be charged and calculated according to the actual usage; (iii) the Customer’s right to use the React Bricks Services will cease. The Customer shall immediately stop using the React Bricks Services. Following termination, any use of the React Bricks Services by the Customer shall be an infringement and/or misappropriation of Supplier’s proprietary rights; (iv) Customer Data will be deleted or transferred to Customer. Supplier will not be liable for any data loss. You are solely responsible for exporting your Content from the React Bricks Services prior to termination of your account for any reason; (v) these Terms will terminate, but Sections 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 15 shall continue to be effective after these Terms are terminated.

8. Warranty and Disclaimer

8.1 Disclaimer


8.2 Beta Services


9. Indemnification

9.1 Indemnification

If any actual or threatened claim, loss, liability, proceeding, governmental investigation or enforcement action is instituted by a third party against Supplier: (i) arising out of or relating to the use of the React Bricks Service by the Customer or any third party with the Customer's user identification; or (ii) alleging that the Customer Data, Customer Applications or any use of Customer Data or Customer Applications infringes the intellectual property or other right of a third party or otherwise causes harm to a third party, the Customer will defend such action at its own expense on behalf of Supplier and shall pay all damages attributable to such claim that are awarded against Supplier or paid in settlement of such claim.

9.2 Obligations

The indemnified party will: (i) inform the indemnifying party of a claim as soon as reasonably practicable after the indemnified party receives notice of the claim; (ii) permit the indemnifying party to assume direction and control of the defense of the indemnifying party (at its own expense) in the defense of the claim. The indemnified party shall have the right to participate, at its own expense, in the defense of any claim that is subject to indemnification as set forth in this Section 9.

10. Limitation of liability

10.1 General disclaimer

Supplier shall only be liable for compensation for damage caused by it, its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, in connection with the React Bricks Services, only in the event that such damage was caused by gross negligence or intent, in accordance with statutory mandatory law. The aggrieved Customer must prove the existence of gross negligence or intent. Claims for damages are subject to a limitation period of one year from the date of Customer’s knowledge of the damage.

10.2 Force majeur

Supplier shall not be liable to the Customer for any delay or failure of Supplier to perform its obligations hereunder if such delay or failure arises from any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of Supplier. Such causes shall include, but are not limited to earthquake, flood, or other natural disaster, act of God, labor controversy, civil disturbance, terrorism, war (whether or not officially declared), cyber attacks (e.g., denial of service attacks), loss of electricity or other utilities, Internet disturbances, consequences of epidemic or pandemic crisis, or delays by the Customer in providing required resources or support or performing any other requirements hereunder.

10.2 Maximum liability

Should Supplier be liable for any reason whatsoever, the compensation in total is limited to the agreed subscription fee for the then-current billing cycle at the damage-incurring event, but will not be calculated on professional services or consumption-based usage (eg. traffic).

10.3 Indirect loss

In no event and under no circumstances shall Supplier, nor its directors, employees, partners, agents, suppliers, or affiliates, be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, including without limitation, loss of profits, data, use, goodwill, or other intangible losses, resulting from (i) your access to or use of or inability to access or use the React Bricks Services; (ii) any conduct or content of any third-party on the React Bricks Services; (iii) any content obtained from the React Bricks Services; and (iv) unauthorized access, use or alteration of your transmissions or content, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence) or any other legal theory, whether or not we have been informed of the possibility of such damage, and even if a remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose.

11. Changes to this Agreement

Supplier reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify this Agreement at any time. If we change the Terms in any substantive way, we will notify you that this Agreement has changed via e-mail, if commercially reasonable, and otherwise through the Account Dashboard, at least seven (7) days before the changes take effect, during which period of time you may reject the changes by terminating your account. You understand and agree that if you use the React Bricks Services after the date on which the Terms have changed, Supplier will treat your use as acceptance of the updated Terms.

12. Confidentiality

12.1 Duty

During the term of this Agreement, and for five years subsequent to its termination, the parties shall treat as trade secrets and not disclose confidential information and material which by its nature must be regarded as trade secrets and which they gain awareness of or access to at the other party through this Agreement. Supplier understands and agrees that the Customer Data is considered confidential information and shall be treated as such. The same shall apply to all material that is marked confidential or information on a person's personal details, information which may harm one of the parties or which may be exploited by third parties in the business sector. The parties will endeavor to take all necessary precautions.

12.2 Employees and personnel

The duty of confidentiality shall apply to the parties' employees and others who act on behalf of the parties in connection with the performance of the Agreement in order to ensure that the material and information is not made known to others contrary to this provision.

13. Links to other websites

The React Bricks Services may include hyperlinks to third-party web sites, services or resources that are not owned or controlled by Supplier. Supplier has no control over, and assumes no responsibilities for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third-party website, service or resources.

The Customer acknowledges and agrees that Supplier is not responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services available on or through any such websites or services.

14. Applicable law and Exclusive jurisdiction

Customer and Supplier agree that they will resolve any claim or controversy at law or equity that arises out of this Agreement or the Services in accordance with this Section unless otherwise specified in writing. Before resorting to litigation, we strongly encourage Customer to contact Supplier to seek a friendly resolution. In case an agreement cannot be reached, this Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Italy without regard to conflict of law provisions. You agree that any claim or dispute you may have against Supplier shall be settled exclusively by a state court located in Bergamo, Italy. You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in Bergamo, Italy, for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes.

15. Miscellaneous

15.1 Assignment

The Parties may only assign this Agreement without the other party's consent in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of all or substantially all of its assets. Further, Supplier may subcontract certain aspects of the React Bricks Service to qualified third parties, provided that any such subcontracting arrangement will not relieve Supplier of any of its obligations hereunder.

15.2 Waiver

Any waiver or failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement on one occasion will not be deemed a waiver of any other provision or of such provision on any other occasion. All waivers must be in writing.

15.3 Unenforceability

If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable, such provision will be enforced as nearly as possible in accordance with the stated intention of the parties, while the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect and bind the parties according to its terms.

15.4 Relationship

Nothing contained herein will in any way constitute any association, partnership, agency, employment or joint venture between the parties hereto, or be construed to evidence the intention of the parties to establish any such relationship. Neither party will have the authority to obligate or bind the other in any manner, and nothing herein contained will give rise or is intended to give rise to any rights of any kind to any third parties.

15.5 Notices

Any notice or other communication required or permitted under this Agreement and intended to have legal effect must be given in writing (including electronic communication) to the other party.

If to the Customer, all notices will be delivered to the email address or physical postal address provided upon subscription of the React Bricks Services, or as otherwise updated using the React Bricks Dashboard.

If to Supplier: F2 .net engineering s.r.l., Via Milano 57, 24040 Bonate Sopra (BG), Italy or by email to legal@reactbricks.com

15.6 Entire agreement

These Agreement supersede and replace any prior agreements. Agreements or arrangements that diverge from this Agreement require Supplier’s written confirmation. In the event of a conflict between these Agreement and the Order Form or any other document, the Order Form takes precedence over the Agreement and the Agreement takes precedence over any other document.