React Bricks vs WebFlow


WebFlow is a great tool for developers or tech-savvy people. It enables them to create websites quickly without needing to write code. Despite its complex interface, it offers a powerful platform that allows users to manipulate every aspect of a page's appearance. This includes control over CSS styles such as padding, margins, and more.

In some way WebFlow is an upgrade of Wix, which allows developers or tech-savvy people to tweak styles as they like.

While WebFlow may work well for developers, it can be overly complex for content editors who must learn a new tool. Moreover, once (or if) content editors become proficient in the tool, they gain the power to modify the design.

So, while tools like Wix lack the flexibility required for a corporate website due to their reliance on pre-made templates, WebFlow can be excessively flexible, permitting editors to make design choices

Our vision

In a corporate setting, content management is typically handled by the marketing team's content editors. We strongly believe that the content management system should be user-friendly for its primary users, the content editors. Additionally, we believe that a corporate CMS should protect the design system and brand identity from being compromised by content editors.

React Bricks: easy to use, yet totally flexible

The React Bricks interface is incredibly user-friendly: if your content editors can use Word or Pages, they'll be able to use React Bricks' point-and-click interface without any training.

The concept is straightforward: directly edit texts and images, and use the sidebar controls to alter elements that aren't directly editable, like background colors.

The key takeaway is that you determine what is editable with the WYSIWYG controls and which properties are exposed on the sidebar. You can also choose the type of sidebar control for each property (dropdown menu, radio buttons, range, etc.).

How? You have complete flexibility because you (or your developers) write the code for each content block. A content block is simply a React component where you have the full power of React, enhanced by the visual editing magic of the React Bricks library.

In the JSX of your components, you can add React Bricks’ WYSIWYG visual components to allow users to directly edit text and images. You can also map the properties you want editors to change to sidebar controls.

For instance, if you want the editor to choose between two different background colors, you can define a color control with two options. The chosen value will be received as a prop by your React component, allowing conditionally rendering.

Why Choose React Bricks?

  • React Bricks offers content editors an intuitive interface, allowing them to alter only what is necessary, making content creation truly enjoyable.
  • With React Bricks, corporations can maintain their pixel-perfect image. Designers can rest assured that their design system will remain intact.
  • Developers retain complete control over the code to define visually editable content blocks using React.
  • It is an enterprise-grade headless solution.

Everyone wins! And when the team is happy, they create outstanding content.

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