Enterprise Headless CMS with Visual Editing

React Bricks is an ideal content management system (CMS) for corporations and enterprises.

Companies such as Deel and The Weather Channel, as well as major banks like Banca Mediolanum and La Banque Postale, are using React Bricks for their content management needs. They are leveraging its unique visual editing interface and the power of React code.

Content Needs of Corporations and Enterprises

Let's explore the main requirements that corporations and enterprises have for a web content management solution for their websites, blogs, and landing pages.

1. Security and Compliance

Enterprises need to ensure that their data is safe, processed transparently, and protected with appropriate technical and organizational measures.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks is fully GDPR compliant and has data residency in the EU with servers located in ISO27001 & Tier3 certified data centers. For more information, read about Security, Single Sign-On (SSO), and backup. For enterprise plans, we can provide a "Security, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity" document upon request.

2. Empower the Marketing Team

In a large organization, it's essential for the development and marketing teams to work well together, yet operate independently. The marketing team should not rely on developers each time they need to add new content. They should be self-sufficient and equipped with a user-friendly tool, unlike a complex headless CMS which requires understanding of abstract concepts like tables and relationships.

Meanwhile, the development team needs to focus on their primary tasks instead of coding landing pages.

Why choose React Bricks?

With React Bricks, developers create content blocks using fully typed React components. Content editors then use these blocks to compose pages. After the initial setup of content blocks, no further developer involvement is needed, making content editors autonomous. React Bricks' unique inline visual editing layer simplifies and streamlines content editing. It's as straightforward as using a word processor, eliminating the need for training.

3. Adherence to Corporate Design

For corporations, it's vital to maintain a consistent image that adheres to brand guidelines. They usually don’t appreciate finding Comic Sans green text over a red background due to a content editor's creativity 🤪.

Why choose React Bricks?

With React Bricks developers define exactly what content editors can modify, both visually and via sidebar controls. This means that content editors cannot compromise the design in any way. They are guided by useful constraints while composing the pages.

4. Media Management

Digital media are strategic assets for corporations or enterprises. The ability to efficiently organize and quickly locate specific media, such as images, is vital.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks offers an advanced Digital Asset Manager (DAM) equipped with search and filter capabilities. It tracks the original image and all instances of its usage on different pages, complete with flip, rotation, and crop data. Additionally, it allows for the input of data such as source and copyright information. Media can be organized into folders for better management, and images are optimized and served from a global CDN (with an option to customize the CDN domain name). For more details, read about the DAM.

5. SEO and Performance

Ranking high in the search engine results is fundamental, hence the importance of optimal page speed and SEO performance.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks comes with an advanced SEO module. This feature helps content editors follow best-practice SEO optimization. It enables them to enter metadata, Open Graph / Twitter Cards data, and Schema.org semantic data for optimal search engine indexing.

In terms of performance, React Bricks is compatible with all modern React frameworks such as Next.js, Remix, and Gatsby. For Next.js, it also supports the new App Router with React Server Components. React Bricks adds little to no overhead to the native framework performance.

6. Integration with Legacy APIs

Companies' data is typically spread across various platforms. You might need to query a legacy CMS or interface with company APIs for product data. For an e-commerce, product-related data such as prices comes from a headless commerce system. Therefore, integrating with external data sources is essential for a modern headless CMS.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks provides an easy and flexible method to fetch external data from any source. This data is made available to bricks and it can be displayed alongside visually editable information.

7. Access control, Permissions, SSO

Access control, permissions, and approval workflows are vital features of an Enterprise CMS.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks has Fine-grained Permissions at Page Type, Page, Language or Brick level, with the ability to create Custom User Roles. It has Single Sign-On (SSO) for enterprise plans and the ability to set-up Approval Workflows.

8. Safe content and deployment

The content in an enterprise CMS should always be secure. Large companies require multiple content environments, such as Production and Development, and several deploy hooks for each environment to deploy to Staging, Pre-production, and Production.

Content versioning is very important to ensure the ability to revert to the state prior to any changes. Similarly, for security reasons, the possibility to create backups of content is essential.

Why choose React Bricks?

React Bricks offers multiple environments, multiple deploy hooks for each environment, content versioning, and self backup and restore. Furthermore, React Bricks allows you to schedule backups for all content and assets on your external S3 bucket. Rest assured, you are in good hands.

9. Ability to Host the Backend On-Premise

With React Bricks, you have the flexibility to host the frontend website wherever you prefer, for all plans.

The backend, instead, is a secure and fully GDPR-compliant service provided by React Bricks.

However, for enterprise customers with strict hosting requirements, we offer a self-hosting plan for the backend.

Learn more about our on-premise hosting options.

10. Enterprise Support and Customer success

We collaborate closely with our customers to ensure their success. This partnership begins from the onboarding stage and extends through website launch, with continued dedicated support service thereafter.

Each enterprise customer gets a Customer Success Manager who aids in choosing, purchasing, and adopting our content management solution, and supports future growth.

Learn more about our Enterprise Support.

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