Content Versioning and Backup

Ship happens, we know. An editor accidentally deletes a page, a developer's test ends up on a production page... No panic! You can go back in time 😅

Change History

React Bricks tracks of all the changes to your pages, with an history retention period that depends on your plan.

You can view all these changes from the dashboard, and filter them by page or the user who performed the action. With just a click of a button, you can revert to the state of the page before the change was made.

Self-Backup and Restore

From the dashboard, you can request a backup of all your content, in JSON format. Once your backup is ready, you'll receive a notification via email to download your backup file.

Whenever necessary, you can restore the content of your app using the backup file you previously saved.

Scheduled Backup on Client's S3 Storage

Enterprise plans offer the capability to schedule backups of all content and media assets on external S3 storage.

Within the dashboard, you can configure the storage parameters. React Bricks will create a daily backup of page content and media files, which will be saved on your S3 network storage.

Discover all the advantages for Enterprises

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